In the name of God, Amen.

I, John Griffith, yeoman, in the Parish of Nolton in the county of Pembroke.

Being weak in body but perfect in mind and memory do make and ordain and constitute this to be my last will and testament in manner and from


First, I recommend my soul into the hands of almighty God and my body to be buried in a Christian manner by my executor hereafter named:-

I give and bequeath unto my grandson John Griffith, my eldest daughter Elizabeth Griffith, my daughter Mary Griffith and my son Thomas Griffith the sum of thirty pounds of lawful money. John shall be paid twelve months after my death. The others, to be paid when they shall come to the age of twenty one by my executor.

Lastly, I do nominate and appoint my beloved wife, Rebekha to be my sole executrix of all my goods and chattels and cattle, both moveable and immovable and after my death, to settle all of my debts, if any and to receive the rest of my estate.

In writings where I have hitherto set my hand, this first day of May, one thousand, eight hundred and five.

X the mark of John Griffith

Apparently, thirty pounds of lawful money would translate into a modern value of about £1500. Note though that Rebekha's first daughter, Ann, the one that was born before she married John, received nothing.

Ann was my great great great great grandmother. Maybe I should contest the will?